Similar to the concept of Microservice, the term of Micro Frontend isn't as well known as the first one. This article aims at demystifying it.
Blog de Nicolas DUMINIL Simplex Software - Page 2
Micro Frontends for Quarkus Microservices
Microservices With Apache Camel and Quarkus (Part 5)
In part three of this series, we have seen how to deploy our Quarkus/Camel-based microservices in Minikube, which is one of the most commonly used Kubernetes local implementations. While such a local Kubernetes implementation is very practical for testing purposes, its single-node feature doesn't satisfy real production environment requirements. Hence, in order to check our microservices behavior in a production-like environment, we need a multi-node Kubernetes implementation. And one of the most common is OpenShift.
Micro-services with Apache Camel and Quarkus (Part 3)
In Parts 1 and 2, you've seen how to run microservices as Quarkus local processes. Let's now look at some K8s-based deployments, starting with Minikube.