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Blog de Nicolas DUMINIL Simplex Software - Page 12

  • Basics of Microservices - Part 6: Oauth 2.0 Security with Keycloak

    Welcome to the 6th part of the Microservices article series. This 6th part shows how to use a
    Netflix Zuul filters in order to secure micro-services.

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  • Basics of Microservices - Part 5: The Netflix Zuul Service

    In the Part 3 of these article series (http://nicolasduminil.blogspirit.com/archive/2018/06/08/basic-of-microservices-part-3-3106892.html), we demonstrated how to load-balance between micro-services instances, using he Netfkix Eureka service. This way we achieved one of the most important goals of the Service Orientated Architecture: the services virtualization and their location transparency. The Part 4 (http://nicolasduminil.blogspirit.com/archive/2018/06/14/microservices-basics-part-4-the-netflix-hystrix-service-3107106.html) showed how to use the Netflix Hystrix service  in order to improve microservices resilience.

    Now it is time to consider some cross-cutting concerns like security, logging and tracing. While it is possible to implement these cross-cutting concerns individually, for each microservice, it would be much better if we would have a unique place where we could do it, only once, for all our microservices. Enter the Netflix Zuul.


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  • Basics of Microservices - Part 4: The Netflix Hystrix Service

    The core microservice presented in the parts from 1 to 3 was assuming that everything happens as expected and all the events and conditions are on the happy path. This is not always the case. For example, our ActiveMQ broker may experience issues and be only partially available. Or it may simply be stopped. Or the network failure might prevent the connections to get established, etc.

    In all these cases the consumer calls the service which will finally timeout but, before doing that, might waste resources without eventually being able to fulfill its role. Entry Netflix Hystrix service.

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