L’allure rapide que le processus de développement logiciel peut avoir dans le monde agile peut conduire à des décisions de design pour le moins discutables. Se concentrer sur quelques user stories particulières le temps d’un sprint, peut conduire à négliger des points plus fondamentaux de design général, points qui pourraient venir hanter plus tard l’ensemble du projet
Blog de Nicolas DUMINIL Simplex Software - Page 10
Pourquoi les méthodes agiles ne marchent pas ?
Java 8 Streams
Streams are an update of the Java API which allows to manipulate collections in a declarative way, following a functional programming style, that this new Java release, and the following ones, aims at. As a matter of fact, starting with its 8th release, in addition of its object orientation and its imperative programming style, Java becomes a functional programming language as well, exactly like Scala.
This blog ticket tries to present and explain, in a simpler way than the Java specifications, the streams API and to illustrate it with examples taken from the real world. -
Spring Boot Microservice with Angular 7 Front End
This blog entry is trying to perform the "grand écart" between two technologies:
- the Spring Boot back-end using REST, Spring Data and JPA (Java Persistence API)
- the Angular front-end with React and Prime-ng libraries
All this as a single maven multi-module project that you can clone and run, such that to investigate deeper the mentioned technologies.